What RPG Fans have to say
about Ron Shirtz's RPG Tiles!

....this is sheer rock´n´roll on card board!
Lars Frehse

These are absolutely stunning. I am an instant fan of your work. Have you ever thought about having them commercially reproduced and distributed?     I printed out a couple of your tiles on a color laser printer this morning, and now that I see them printed, I am even more impressed with your work.
Anthony Roberson Editor
Role-Play News

Hallo Ron,
my name Wolfgang, I'm from Germany and I have to tell you that in the 20 years I'm playing Role Playing Games I have never come across floorplanes as beautiful as yours. Like with many other people my interest in Fantasy role-playing was rekindled by the release of Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition and in my current campaign your floorplanes play a vital part. It seems like each one of them tells a little story and often I just create the adventure around it. Using your water tiles last week really got everyone into a holiday mood ...   .Finally let me tell you, that I'm not the only one in Germany who thinks your work is great, I have heard that now from quite a number of Game Masters. Thank You very much.
Wolfgang Hubner
Bremerhaven, Germany

Hello Ron,
I received the package yesterday. Now, I was pretty impressed with some of the tiles I was able to print with my little HP printer, but those laser printed ones...INCREDIBLE! .....
(¯`'·.,¸_,.·´¯`·-> JRG
Eugene, Ore.

Hi there.
I just wanted to say that your tiles are beautiful! I'll probably use some of the more generic ones (road, bridge, forest, etc.) for my upcoming D&D campaign.
David Leland

I was checking out your page, and your floor tiles are so awesome. You've put a lot of beautiful color and detail into them and I just can't resist. I would like to go ahead and order your Smithworks of Khaldzudun tile and also a set of Indoor Tiles .
Stephan Kannarr
Phoenix, AZ

Dear Mr. Shirtz,
My name is Kari Ranta-Ojala and I have been playing and designing quests for about 10 years now.  I love your tiles. They bring lots of extra variability to the game.   Thanks for your time and effort into making Heroquest a more enjoyable experience.

Dear Ron,
The tiles look great, especially the Smithworks, congratulations on your artistic skill. I'll look out for some other tiles as you produce them. Nice dealing with you, and thanks again.
Best wishes,
Carter Victoria, Australia

...I don't know if any of the other old-timers on the board experienced this while looking at these things, but I felt a wave of nostalgia when I saw them. They elicit a sense of "gee whiz" awe and wonder at the sheer imagination involved - from the "Broken Gods" tiles to the throne rooms, these things reminded me of how I felt when I first started playing. Look at the "Room of Wonders" or the one with the huge monstrous eye looking up through the grating or the desrt island or the pharaoh's tomb or...well, you get the idea.

  I think the quality of the prints look better than most ink jets.
Darrell Wildt

First I just wanted to say thanks for putting those great board sections on the net for download they're great!  ..Thank you for your time.
Lucas Andrick

Mr. Shirtz,
  .. I've been collecting your tiles from Dewayne Agin's web page and think they are magnificent. Keep up the great work.  .
Heather L. Walker

Thank you. I got the tiles today and they're great! Thank you so much! And thank you for taking the time to do it for me. I appreciate everything you've done to make HQ more fun!

I received the tiles yesterday! Outstanding. They're even better on actual printed paper than they appeared on the website. I look forward to doing future business with you.
Thanks again!
Rob Hart

. . . In all my 21 years of gaming, your product is by far the best looking accessories I've ever encountered. Congrats! More, more, more!!! :-)
Barry W. Smith

Great work, your tiles and graphic art will most definetly add to the feel of RPG games and will enhance the level of play and expectation of both players and game masters
Walter Kruger

. . . You have turned the art of dungeon accessories into a high art.

. . . Your heroquest tiles are freakin' amazing! Even though I don't play heroquest, I will be using them extensively for my upcoming DnD campaign.
Fred Kerdraon

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